How to Sign Up on Netflix?

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Netflix is ​​an internet television known all over the world. It works in many countries, and anyone can register on this platform. Read the procedure and experience how you can sign up for Netflix.

Netflix Login

Registration is done at We recommend doing this on a computer or laptop because although you’ll probably be watching movies and series on TV as well, it takes a little longer there when you need to enter passwords from the remote:

  • Enter your email on this screen.
  • Since you are here for the first time and don’t have a password, you must continue by selecting the register option.
  • It’s a little chaotic here. Enter your email, and Netflix will send password reset instructions to your inbox.
  • You can also enter payment information.
  • An email will come from Netflix. Click on it and select the movies in the quality you want to watch.

Payment Settings for Netflix

You must enter a payment method for Netflix. In most cases, it will probably be a payment card, so let’s move on. Just like when you pay online by card, enter here:

  • Name
  • Surname
  • Card number
  • Security Code

Continue by selecting the Start Membership option. On the next screen, enter the mobile number if you forget the password.

Here set the device on which you will use Netflix. That’s enough; with best practice, you can do this on up to four devices.

  • Smart TV or blue ray player
  • Phone or tablet
  • Desktop and laptop computer
  • Set-top box
  • Flow device
  • Game consoles Playstation (4,5) and Xbox One

Next, you create a profile of who will be using Netflix.

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